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Voter registration, absentee ballots, and GOTV

Updated: Apr 22, 2024

The politically involved know Labor Day marks the time of year when campaigns kick into high gear. You may be wondering what you can do to get involved. Here are some ideas.


Minnehaha County has some outstanding candidates. Take a look here, reach out, see if they need help with sign distribution, door knocking, phone banking, envelope stuffing and any number of other campaign activities.

Donate to candidates

In a pandemic it is even more difficult to get your name out. The candidates will need to send mailers, produce yard signs and print door hangers. Every contribution brings them that much closer to their campaign collateral being produced.

Register voters

Know someone who needs to register? Get them a copy of the form, donate a stamped envelope (made out to their county auditor) and help if they any questions. The deadline to register for the Nov. 3 election is October 19, 5 pm local time.

Encourage people to vote absentee

We’re in a pandemic. 2020 is the time to learn about absentee voting. You can download an absentee ballot request from the Secretary of State site. The voter will need a notary to stamp the application. (Or a copy of their driver’s license.) MCDP has a team ready to get out and help. Email that you need a notary and absentee ballot and we’ll get them to the voter with the proper COVID protections in place.  

Look for our absentee voting videos and social media campaign coming soon. Share them, like them, help us get them all over social media.

Vote early and be counted

Once you have your absentee ballot, drop it off at your county auditor’s designated drop box or mail it early. Envelopes that arrive after Nov. 3 will not be counted. Mail it early and don’t take any chances. Also note, you’ll need extra postage to mail your ballot. Make sure you have the right postage on your envelope.

Use your social media for good

If you’re on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram look up our candidate’s campaign pages. Share their posts, invite others to follow them and encourage people to vote for them. You also can connect with the SDDP and many county and district pages across the state.

Put up a yard sign

If you have a high traffic location for a yard sign get some and put them up! Yard signs show support, create conversation and help with name recognition. Several of our candidates will have signs available at the Democratic Forum building soon.

By Nikki Gronli Minnehaha County Democratic Party Chair

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